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Earth – Water – Fire – Air and Space

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

Bring The Nature Indoors –

Att med framgång skapa en Holistisk miljö kräver kunskap om de fem elementen och deras inneboende kvaliteter – vilka vi kan förnimma genom årstidernas växlingar.

Genom våra sinnen uppfattar vi dessa förändringar via den egna upplevelsen

i olika miljöer beroende på årstid.

Gammal kunskap, som den ayurvediska filosofin, föddes ur förståelsen

att lära av naturen genom att observera elementen via de olika kroppskonstitutionerna (de tre doshas).

Så genom att hålla denna uråldriga kunskap nära våra intentioner och integrera

naturen in i vår livsmiljö. Så leder denna metod oss till ett framgångsrikt slutresultat något jag själv erfarit via lång tid av praktik.


Success in creating a holistic environment requires knowledge about the five elements and their qualities of nature—something we can perceive through the changes of the seasons.

Through our senses, we experience these changes in our response to different environments depending on the time of year.

Old knowledge, such as Ayurvedic philosophy, was born from understanding

and learning from nature and observing the elements through our different

body constitutions (the three dosas).

So by holding this ancient knowledge close to our intentions and integrating

nature into our living environment.

I know from long practice that this method leads to a successful final result.

Live well & wisely!

– Anna Charlotte

Earth: The heavy stable power matter which is structural and constructive.

Water: Is the aquatic nature's quest to keep everything together.

Fire: The power that generates heat.

Air: The thinning air is the chilling force that sets everything in motion.

Space: Emptiness is barely noticeable.


November 12–13, I lead a weekend workshop at the Ayurveda Center in Malmö.

This weekend we will seek inspiration in Vastu shastra, ancient, holistic teaching that translates as "knowledge of architecture." Vastu integrates interior design and design with nature and has its origins in the Buddhist and Ayurvedic traditions.

For bookings the workshop in Malmö.

Anna Charlotte Rosenberg Bosten

Textile Artist, Creative Director, Healer, Author

Lives and works in Paris, Stockholm and the countryside of Västerbotten

Photo: Richard von Hofsten, Anne Nyblaeus, Susanne Almers, Anna Charlotte


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